Ultimate 1000 Word Negative Keyword List: Negative keywords are words or phrases you specify to prevent your ads from triggering. When a user’s search query includes one of these negative keywords, your ads aren’t shown, so your budget isn’t wasted on unnecessary clicks and impressions.
Ultimate 1000 Word Negative Keywords List
- amazon
- cheap
- craigslist
- gumtree
- directions
- download
- ebay
- etsy
- free
- game
- games
- map
- maps
- myspace
- naked
- no charge
- no cost
- nude
- porn
- porno
- recipe
- sample
- sampler
- samples
- sampling
- torrent
- torrents
- udemy
- video
- vimeo
- youtube
Academics and researchers:
It is best to use the following negative keywords if you have no intention of attracting people seeking general information on the topic
- about
- article
- articles
- association
- associations
- bad review
- book
- books
- case studies
- case study
- community
- comparison
- comparisons
- contest
- define
- definition
- diagram
- example
- examples
- guide
- guides
- history
- info
- information
- instruction
- instructions
- journal
- journals
- magazine
- magazines
- manual
- manuals
- map
- maps
- metrics
- model
- negative review
- news
- opinion
- opinions
- organization
- organizations
- paper
- papers
- photo
- photos
- picture
- pictures
- project
- rating
- ratings
- research
- review
- reviews
- sample
- samples
- statistics
- stats
- studies
- study
- success stories
- success story
- tutorial
- tutorials
- user manual
- what are
- what i
- What is
- white
- white paper
- white papers
- whitepaper
- whitepapers
Job seekers and recruitment agencies:
Unless you are running ads specifically to hire people. Stay away from job seekers’ search results with the following:
- employment
- employer
- full time
- fulltime
- full-time
- group
- hire
- hiring
- intern
- interns
- internship
- internships
- job
- jobs
- occupation
- occupations
- openings
- paid
- part time
- parttime
- part-time
- pay
- postings
- range
- recruiter
- recruiters
- recruiting
- recruitor
- recruitors
- resume
- resumes
- salaries
- salary
- sample
- work
Importance of Negative Keywords
- Reaching the target audience: By using negative keywords, you can prevent your ads from appearing in searches that aren’t related to your products, services, or target audience.
- Saving time and money: By using negative keywords, you can filter out unnecessary searches, saving your ad spend.
- Better click-through rate (CTR): By using negative keywords, you can get your ads to a more relevant audience, which improves your click-through rate.
- Higher conversion rates: When your ads reach the right audience, your conversion rate also improves.
How do I use negative keywords?
Negative keywords are used to make your PPC (Pay-per-Click) campaigns more effective. Here are some steps you can use negative keywords correctly:
1. Do keyword research:
Identify negative keywords relevant to your industry and target audience. You can use Google Ads Keyword Planner or other keyword research tools for this.
2. List negative keywords:
Prepare a list of negative keywords for your campaigns. This list will include the words and phrases you want to prevent your ads from triggering.
3. Add negative keywords:
- Log into your Google Ads account and follow the following steps:
- At the campaign level: click on your campaign, then go to the “keywords” tab and select “negative keywords.” Here you can add a list of your negative keywords.
- At the ad group level: if you want to add negative keywords for a particular ad group, click on that ad group and then go to the “keywords” tab and select “negative keywords”.
4. Regular reviews and updates:
Review and update your list of negative keywords regularly. Make sure your list remains relevant and effective. You can use your search term report to see which keywords are triggering your ads and add them as negative keywords.
5. Types of negative keywords
- Broad Match: it matches your negative keywords comprehensively. Example: if your negative keyword is “free”, your ads won’t show up for terms like “free trial” and “free offer”.
- Phrase match: it matches your negative keywords as a phrase. Example: if your negative keyword is “free trial”, your ads will not appear for “free trial offer”.
- Exact Match: it matches your negative keywords accurately. Example: if your negative keyword is “free trial”, your ads will not only appear for “free trial”.
The correct use of negative keywords is crucial to the success of your PPC campaigns. This not only saves your ad spend but also helps your ads reach a more relevant audience. So, don’t forget to include negative keywords in your PPC campaigns. I hope this information proves useful to you! If you have any more questions or need more information on a particular topic, let me know.